How To

Lighting for Streaming
All, Gear, How To

The Best Lighting for Twitch Streaming

First impressions are everything when it comes to live streaming, and the correct lighting can make a huge difference for improving overall video quality. Unfortunately, it’s a bit more complicated than simply directing a couple of brightly lit bulbs in your general direction. And although you may want to cut costs, your stream may suffer […]

Youtube gaming, list of live games to watch
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How to Live Stream With YouTube Gaming

Players choosing to live stream on YouTube has risen significantly since the most recent expansion into the gaming scene. The platform is now the second largest competitor, reaching just under 25% of Twitch’s concurrent viewership in 2019. The interface still has some way to go just yet though, as the platform continues to make upgrades […]

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10 Ways to Make Money Playing Video Games

This is the ultimate question every passionate gamer wants to find out; ‘How do I make money playing video games’? I’m sure I’ve asked it before, but never quite knew the best option to take. For some lucky players who had the right guidance from the start – their dream manages to become a reality, […]

Facebook gaming streaming home page
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How to Stream Games to Facebook Live

Facebook’s dedicated game streaming hub was launched last summer, as the platform continues to make a flurry of upgrades, targeting the lucrative live audience from some of its major competitors. Although it’s certainly not quite the finished product yet, having received its fair share of critics doubting the functionality compared to e-sports ‘goliath’ Twitch, or […]